MARCH 31 - "One of the big issues we have to face in our time is that of the environment: the destruction of God's creation."
This was revealed by Fr. John Leydon in a recollection given to the Clergy of the Diocese of Pasig last March 31.
Dr. Leydon indicated that something catastrophic will happen in the next 50 years unless people change their ways.
Unfortunately, this issue is not connected with our faith in Jesus, Christ crucified.
"Unlike the people of indigenous culture who are connected to the elements and all beings and there is a sense of the Sacred in creation all around them, we have lost that connectedness; nature for us is just a bunch of objects to be processed for human use. We have lost our sense of the sacred in god's creation. Worse, we have labeled it "progress" and "development."
Fr. Leydon connected creation with the paschal mystery. "Jesus is the second person of hte Trinity, but he is also the flowering of God's creation. The modern story of creation tells us of a single unfinished event from energy, to matter, to the first life cell, to mulitcellular life, to humanity. Jesus emerges out of this process not as an infividual human being but as representing all of humanity and all of creation."
Fr. Joven Antique is the minister for the newly created Ministry of Ecology of the Diocese of Pasig.
This was revealed by Fr. John Leydon in a recollection given to the Clergy of the Diocese of Pasig last March 31.
Dr. Leydon indicated that something catastrophic will happen in the next 50 years unless people change their ways.
Unfortunately, this issue is not connected with our faith in Jesus, Christ crucified.
"Unlike the people of indigenous culture who are connected to the elements and all beings and there is a sense of the Sacred in creation all around them, we have lost that connectedness; nature for us is just a bunch of objects to be processed for human use. We have lost our sense of the sacred in god's creation. Worse, we have labeled it "progress" and "development."
Fr. Leydon connected creation with the paschal mystery. "Jesus is the second person of hte Trinity, but he is also the flowering of God's creation. The modern story of creation tells us of a single unfinished event from energy, to matter, to the first life cell, to mulitcellular life, to humanity. Jesus emerges out of this process not as an infividual human being but as representing all of humanity and all of creation."
Fr. Joven Antique is the minister for the newly created Ministry of Ecology of the Diocese of Pasig.