June 6, 2009 - Pasig Bishop Francisco San Diego issued 5 guidelines to prevent the rapid transmission of the H1N1 virus. These are as follows:

1. Sunday obligation - the obligation to attend Sunday Masses and other holy days of obligation (Canon 1247) is the ordinary expectation of Catholics; extraordinary circumstances such as sickness, travel or bad weather excuse the faithful from this obligation. If you are not feeling well, especially during this time of concern, please stay at home and do not risk spreading the infection to others. You may just attend mass telecast in your television.

2. Good Hygiene - the priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are reminded to practice good hygiene. They are encouraged to wash their hand before the mass or use alcohol-based antibacterial solution before and after distributing Holy Communion.

3. Sign of peace - instead of shaking hands, kissing or embracing, it would best to simply nod your head and avoid bodily contact.

4. Our Father - when praying the Our Father, do not hold hands, as may be practiced in some parishes, but simply extend hands toward heaven or fold your hands.

5. Reception of Holy Communion - we highly encourage all to receive communion by the hand instead of your mouth.

The situation will be kept under review and these guidelines revoked when the situation improves.
