The Diocese of Pasig is informing the upcoming Diaconate Ordination
of Seminarians Michael Ortega and Edmund Retorico Reynaldo on March
31, 2012 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Pasig City by
the Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Vergara, D.D.
Sem. Michael Ortega of San Jose Seminary is the son of Mr.
Reylindo Ortega and Mrs. Myrna T. Ortega and resides at 29 East Drive,
Doña Binday Subdivision, Malinao, Pasig City.
Sem. Edmond Retorico Reynaldo of St. Joseph Regional
Seminary, Jaro, Ilo-ilo City is the son of Mr. Felipe Relis Reynaldo
(deceased) and Mrs. Beatriz Retorico Reynaldo, and resides at #22 Dama
de Noche Street, de Castro Subdivision, Sta. Lucia, Pasig City.
Kindly inform the Chancery for any problem that can
affect the ordination of the two seminarians. You may contact the
Chancery at telephone numbers 643-9325, 643-9361, 643-9276 or email us