Bishop Mylo's message for Daloy

Greetings of Peace and Love!

   I am glad Daloy is back in circulation, its first edition since I took over as bishop of Pasig.

   One thing we the clergy of Pasig have envisioned in terms of support system is to keep our people posted of important events, projects and programs in our Diocese. Our diocesan website was launched last February 2012 and has become a source of information among our parishioners and friends here and abroad. With the diocesan newspaper we are equipped with tools to proclaim the word of God, communicate various activities as well as needs and concerns of our Diocese, Parishes, and those of the people we serve.

   I therefore encourage our priests in-charge of different ministries to make use of this medium in updating our people of their ministry programs and activities. I am confident that as parishioners are made aware of the work we are doing for God’s greater glory, they too will do their part as sharers in the common mission of building His kingdom in the Diocese of Pasig.

   I commend our Media Ministry for the task of reaching out to our people and those who have contributed their share to make Daloy once again available to us.

   This coming October, we will be entering the “Year of Faith” as declared by our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.  He wrote: “Ever since the start of my ministry as Successor of Peter, I have spoken of the need to rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ.” (Porta Fide # 2)  I pray that Daloy become a humble instrument to make each of us rediscover our faith and renew us in our identity as Catholic Christians serving the Church in our families, our schools, our ministries and parish communities.

   God bless you all!
