Homiletic Tips for 3rd Sunday of Lent, A

by Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, 
Bishop of Pasig 

We thirst for meaning in life.  We thirst for God. Let him fill the void within us.

1) Rdg from Exodus: God quenched the thirst of the Israelites;

 2) Resp Psalm: God's voice softens our hardened hearts thirsting for his love and mercy; 

3) Rdg from Romans: Paul tells us that the love of God had been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, washing away our sins; 

4) Gospel of John: The woman at the well discovered the springs of living water coming from Jesus who quenched her thirst for love and brought her conversion; 

5) A final thought: Do you thirst for pleasure, popularity, money and power?  Such insatiable desires will make you more thirsty but lead you to sin. Our worldly thirsts  indicate that we thirst for something, someone beyond what the world can offer--only God.

Advise to preachers: Our parishioners thirst for God's word. Let us provide them with a good homily that will fill their hearts with no one else but Jesus, the Living and Eternal Word!
