Homiletic Tips for Good Friday

 1) There are three parts of the liturgy today which manifest Jesus' love for us: 

(a) Liturgy of the Word-- the dramatic proclamation of the Lord's Passion makes us feel the love he offered us, 
(b) Veneration of the Cross-- in giving reverence and kissing the icon of the cross, we feel the loving embrace of the wounds of his broken and dead body, 
(c) Holy Communion-- by receiving the sacred host, we experience the love he continues to give us each day of our lives; 

2) Three practical lessons of love from the Cross--Forgiveness: "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing,", Reconciliation: "Jesus reconciled the world to himself" and Healing: "By his wounds we are healed."  

3) "Christianity doesn't exist without the cross and a cross doesn't exist without Jesus Christ," (Pope Francis, April 8, 2014); 

4) A final thought: When you reverence and kiss the cross of the church or a crucifix in your house today, prayerfully imagine doing this to someone who has deeply hurt you, or someone in your family whom you f eel is the most difficult to love at this point in your life.

Advise to preachers: Preach about the message of Cross from your heart.
