by Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, D.D.
God is compassionate and provides for those in need:
1) Reading from Isaiah: God assures a people in exile that he will provide for them with no cost, that they will experience wine, milk, and rich food without spending money;
2) Responsorial Psalm: The Lord's compassion grants the desires of those in need;
3) Reading from Romans: Nothing can hinder us from the love of Christ who provides for us even when we are worried, troubled or lacking in the basic necessities of life;
4) Gospel of Matthew: The multiplication of the loaves and fish for the hungry crowd shows Jesus' compassion but invites us to do our share of compassion for everyone to have their fill;
5) To give without counting the cost means:
G-enerosity without conditions,
I-nterest in helping those in need,
V-igor in giving,
E-nabling others to give;
6) A final thought: Everything we have belongs to God. We own nothing. As stewards of God's blessings, we are called to share what we have, most especially to the poor in our midst.
Advise to preachers: When you preach well, people give generously during mass.
God is compassionate and provides for those in need:
1) Reading from Isaiah: God assures a people in exile that he will provide for them with no cost, that they will experience wine, milk, and rich food without spending money;
2) Responsorial Psalm: The Lord's compassion grants the desires of those in need;
3) Reading from Romans: Nothing can hinder us from the love of Christ who provides for us even when we are worried, troubled or lacking in the basic necessities of life;
4) Gospel of Matthew: The multiplication of the loaves and fish for the hungry crowd shows Jesus' compassion but invites us to do our share of compassion for everyone to have their fill;
5) To give without counting the cost means:
G-enerosity without conditions,
I-nterest in helping those in need,
V-igor in giving,
E-nabling others to give;
6) A final thought: Everything we have belongs to God. We own nothing. As stewards of God's blessings, we are called to share what we have, most especially to the poor in our midst.
Advise to preachers: When you preach well, people give generously during mass.