Bishop Francisco: steward, servant, and shepherd

PASIG CITY - Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara headed the celebration of the Holy Eucharist celebrating the first death anniversary of the late first Pasig Bishop Francisco C. San Diego, D.D. in the Immaculate Conception Cathedral last August 26, 2016.

Speaking before representatives of various parishes of the diocese, religious sisters, incardinated and guest priests, and students of the diocese, Bishop Mylo consoled the flock of Pasig, "Bishop Francisco is interceding for us in heaven."

He described Bishop Francisco as a Steward, Servant, and Shepherd.

"As a Steward, he nourished the gift of vocation to serve God in the priesthood and episcopacy.  We must make sure to take care of what we simply borrowed," reminded the Bishop.

On being a servant, Bishop Francisco's motto is "Servus Dei".  "He served the Church till his last breath.  Even in his last breath, he gave his life to the flock.  We are called in many ways: as teachers, as parents, and others.  How have I been a servant, giving all to the Lord?"  challenged the Bishop.

Third, as a shepherd, Bishop Mylo reminded the flock of Pasig of the motto of the diocese, "Ut Unum Sint" (That all may be one).  He said, "Amidst the difficulties, the tendency to give in to division, let us work for healing and reconciliation."

Bishop Francisco died following a bout of lung cancer and other complications.  He was buried inside the Immaculate Conception Cathedral.  He was 79. Fr. Lito Jopson, photo by Conrad Alvez
